Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Jone y El Grumo, Jone Y El Grumo, then all the pain, all the painful detail and Jone y El Grumo disintigrated again in a breath of comforting blackness.

After the beating, sometime after the beating, I regained a semblance of consciousness awhile.

Something under me was clawing me into the blood and cement and something invisible above was crushing the air from my....

Street, damp dirt and stones, blood, it all seemed to be so very intimate and incredibly detailed and vast and painful. The sky felt so darkened and far away and insignificant, an agony of distance away, and I could never have got a grip on the void even if I could have moved more than a splitting right eye....

Wall, broken down wall over there in front of my eye. Names, names, marks, graffiti all over the wall. Amongst the crowd, the long gone gang, Jone y El Grumo, Jone y El Grumo....

I knew a Jone once, way back then in two thousand and nine, so El Grumo must have been The Beast....

Jone y El Grumo....


January 11th, 2007, Xichang Space Centre, China.

Controllers follow a kill vehicle on track to intercept a defunct Feng Yun weather satellite. With flawless engineering, control, timing and targeting the missile blows said satellite into more than two thousand five hundred pieces ten centimetres or more in size, not to mention smaller killer particles, incrementing debris in Low Earth Orbit by forty percent or more, and there is more, a lot more, to come.

February 10th, 2009, Low Earth Orbit.

Cosmos 2251, a Russian signals satellite and Motorola’s Iridium 33 bump into each other between seven hundred and nine hundred kilometres above our heads converting themselves into, perhaps, more than one hundred thousand pieces of junk bigger than a centimetre in diameter, and there is more, a lot more, to come.

And I remember Mr Cerebrum saying, way back then, imitating the sardonic drawl of William S. Burroughs,

“Now that's what I call a reaal quiet orrgasm....”

February 25th, 2016, Pennsylvania, a backcountry road, The United States of America.

A real solid lump of a malfunctioning GPS satellite smashes into a horse drawn buggy pulled up just before a nearby intersection. Preacher Jakob never gets his pencil drawn map the right way around and his broad rimmed black hat is a real bloody mess, not to mention his last thoughts....

....That is that, and the horse glances nonchalantly sideways, a one eyed glance, and ambles, kind of bored, over to the nearest patch of juicy green roadside grass.

And I remember Mr Cerebrum saying, way back then, imitating the sardonic drawl of William S. Burroughs,

“Shame he hadn’t worked out beforehand, you know, with a little more attention to detail, in what the hell direction the sun rised in them there parts, coulda avoided a reeal baad headache....”

January 10th, 2025, South East England, on a backcountry road.

Breezing through the parched English countryside in my battered Daciaelectric Hydro*, hands free mobile and GPS systems hacked to send in erroneous, but believable, triangulations to whomsoever it might concern, breezing along, (that is, a breeze only from the air con fan turned up to its limit) listening to some nostalgic jazz tinged hard rock by The Blue Roadsters, and Mr Cerebrum and I, in one of those mutual moments that need no words and have no explanation, decide to switch to a crackly sounding DAB news broadcast just in time to hear,

“....Mars Project Way Station disintegrates in low earth orbit. Scientific speculation has it that the Way Station was struck by part, or parts of a reactor from one of thirty two ancient Russian radar tracking satellites that itself had recently been nudged out of its previous orbit by debris from an unknown source impossible to track back....Fifteen lives lost....Well over half a million additional sizeable pieces of orbital space junk calculated added to LEO debris....”

And Mr Cerebrum, as he is want to do, switches to imitation mode. Robert De Nero (Anyone remember ever downloading one of his?) as Mafiosi Government Criminal, but the content is Burroughs, William S. Burroughs,

“What are you here for? We’re all here to go. That’s what we’re all here for. Earth is going to be a space station and we’re here to go. Into space. That’s what we are here for. Do I hear any questions about that?”

*The last private (non military/police) transportation vehicle built by deviants in the European Sector of The Alliance of Civilisations, not by reconditioned non terminal rendition prisoners in The Muslim Federation.


“Well, Yep! That was then and there and now is most definately here and right now. Hey, you feeling nostalgic, or what?”

“Ya just gone 'nd hit the nail square on the head babe....”

January 10th, 2025, South East England, approaching a backcountry vigilante roadblock.

Mr Cerebrum and yours truly both look at each other and smile and think it lucky that William’s trips were really into the interior lands, the only lands left to visit, and, in an instant, I shoot a look out of the passenger window, over my left shoulder, and, in a flash remember when there had once, once upon a time, been leaves on trees to flash by, and there is more, a lot more, to come.

And Cerebrum is getting all animated,

“....and the circle closing in above our heads, in space, our very own little bit of space, neat stuff, neat looking shroud, mint! Trapped, mint! Lucky for the universe this virus got nowhere else to go ‘cept into archaeological oblivion....”

“....tuck in the shroud, screw down the coffin lid, shovel on the dirt, nighty night....”

“Virus, most goddamned useless virus ever sexy armpits though....”

“You just have to get those lines in , don’t ya? Or died, my big man, or died! Junk, dead, inert, cosmic junk. What ya think of that then?”

And Cerebrum slips into Burroughs Mordant Mode, yet again,

“As your old uncle Bill would tell ya all, sure is a hell ova shame it aint the kind of junk you can inject....”

I notice an acrid, chemical smell circulating into the car. Scorched earth thick black smoke from burning tyres up ahead,

“Cerebrum, Big Man, ya gotta jump ship, lose yourself, pirate! I got a Concerned Citizens checkpoint up ahead and something I don’t like the look of ‘s just pulled out behind....Trapped....Mint, muñeca mia....”

“Joder....Mierda....Good luck....”

“I love Jone, you know....”

“I know Alba. ¿Y El Grumo?”

And there is no answer to that you can put into words and Big Man can see that in my eyes as I move to cancel the hands free conference connection and Mr Cerebrum, with a thumbs up that fills the screen, vanishes from the monitor and I am suddenly all alone, and so I whisper to myself,

“I love Jone....”

“Stop the fucking car, shithead. Stop the fucking car....”