Friday, April 05, 2024

El estribillo del juglar / The Minstrel's Refrain


La carcoma excava en las parodias de nuestros desvencijados carros. Poco queda de nuestras verdaderas artes escénicas.


Termitas sepia digieren nuestro destartalado escenario. Polillas marrón pastel nuestro raído vestuario.


Larvas de moscardones aguardan su festín con nuestra carne hinchada…


¿Se me ha pasado algo por alto, amor mío?



El brillo de tu piel el brillo de tus ojos

Hacia una imagen cadavéricamente blanca se dirige en su descomposición

Como la vida


Eres puro hilo de fino algodón blanco

Que hasta no ser cariñosamente tejido

No termina en sublime sudario funerario

Como la vida


Dark Matters, II

Woodworm tunnel in the travesties of our fading carts. Precious little remains of our true performing arts. 

Sepia termites digest our ramshackle scenery, pastel brown moths our threadbare costumes. 

Bluebottle larvae wait to feast on our bloated flesh…

Did I miss something out my love?


The sheen of your skin the shine in your eyes

But deathly white to decay your image flies


You are a pure thread of white cotton fine

But not until lovingly woven

A funeral shroud do you weave sublime


℗ © A-Soma, David F. Brandon, 2024

 “Jokers”, a concept album created in collaboration with A-Soma, a musical voyage from beginning to end, a work that navigates against the current...


  "Jokers" can be purchased at Vinylora records in Vitoria-Gasteiz and online at...

                   Digital download at...


Thursday, March 07, 2024

Olmo holandés


                              Olmo holandés



 El amor es un negocio

La vida pequeños cambios


Yo te la vendo a ti

Me la revendes tú a mí

              Y tengo que pagar las tasas


Grabar un corazón en el árbol


La materia oscura y yo

La savia no sube


La savia no sube

Los hongos y el árbol


Los hongos y los árboles

La enfermedad del olmo holandés



Un cuento de niños. Mitología del norte

                                                                    La vida es pequeños cambios


Yo te la vendo a ti

Me la revendes tú a mí


Y tengo que pagar las tasas


Madera del árbol


La materia oscura y yo

La savia no sube


La savia no sube

Los hongos y el árbol


Los hongos y los árboles

La enfermedad del olmo holandés


El amor es un negocio




 ℗ © A-Soma, David F. Brandon, 2024


 Dutch Elm es un tema de «Jokers», un álbum conceptual creado en colaboración con A-Soma,

un viaje musical de principio a fin, una obra que navega a contracorriente... 


Dutch Elm a track from “Jokers”, a concept album created in collaboration with A-Soma, 

a musical voyage from beginning to end, a work that navigates against the current...


«Jokers» puede adquirirse en Vinylora records de Vitoria-Gasteiz y online en..."Jokers" can be purchased at Vinylora records in Vitoria-Gasteiz and online at...

                   Digital download at...


Tuesday, March 05, 2024

The Crematorium & Aboard Tugboat London


The Crematorium


 Dedicated to sepia Turners and Empires of fading Fighting Temeraires

 Life…Floating just

 Tugged out of gold leaf frames on yellowing Edwardian wallpaper

 The Fighting Temeraire

 Dedicated to generations who hoped against hope she would never sink


Life…Black coal smoke


Life…I don’t need to be there

Too dreary and dismal the night 

And the daylight no longer feels quite right


Life…Seems that I’m swaying on my last legs

Have drunk down to the very last dregs


And the dregs they read you no future?


Life…The last sick synapse fires so little memory 

Never can it explain these sublime but twisted universes


Ommm…Life…Step back step back

 The synapse fires no memory of the screaming chemistry of these last thoughts


Life…It reads me no future


 And I am gone


 Life…Black coal smoke


 Smut for John Constable


 The Fighting Temeraire

The stoker feeds the tugboat’s boiler with sawn up pieces of her masts

The Crematorium


 ℗ © 2023 A-Soma, David F. Brandon, 2024



Aboard Tugboat London


                                                        The Jolly Joker

Face like a poker

The London’s stoker


Nothing left for him to say

Nothing left for him


On the dawn of this new Eocene

On the dawn of this new Eocene


The Jolly Joker

Face like a poker

The London’s stoker


Nothing left for him to say

Nothing left for him


On the dawn of this new Eocene

On the dawn of this new Eocene



 ℗ © A-Soma, David F. Brandon, 2024

Two tracks from “Jokers”, a concept album created in collaboration with A-Soma, a musical voyage from beginning to end, a work that navigates against the current...


  "Jokers" can be purchased at Vinylora records in Vitoria-Gasteiz and online at...

                   Digital download at...